Peace Island

Creating an open-world adventure game about cats.

  • 2,562 members
  • 293 posts
  • $6,476/month

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 Get access to our Patreon Feed and game Alphas

If you stay at this level for 2 months, you'll also gain early access to the public Beta demo!

If you stay at this level for 5 months, you'll also gain access to an exclusive Peace Island Postcard set, and an advance copy of the game, when it comes out!

If you stay at this level for 10 months, US residents gain access to the Peace Island art print!  (13 months for overseas patrons.)

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 Get access to our Patreon Feed, Game Alphas and early access to  the Beta Public Demo

If you stay at this level for 3 months, you'll also gain access to an exclusive Peace Island Postcard set, and an advance copy of the game, when it comes out!  

If you stay at this level for 5 months, US residents gain access to the Peace Island art print!  (7 months for overseas patrons.)

If you stay at this level for 10 months, you will get your name woven into the story of Peace Island!

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 Our highest tier: Get access to our Patreon Feed, Game Alphas, postcard set, and early access to the Beta Public Demo, as well as the full game, upon release!

If you stay at this level for 2 months, US residents gain access to the Peace Island art print!  (3 months for overseas patrons.)  

If you stay at this level for 4 months, you will get your name woven into the story of Peace Island!

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Peace Island

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